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Shane McMahon vs. The Undertaker: Yes, You Read That Right

There are moments when the best course of action is to take a step back and breathe; just breathe and focus, let the situation happen before reacting. It's irrational to make any snap judgments about anything in life until there's been time to soak it all in.

Consider me soaked. It's time to react.

Shane McMahon is back in WWE and within the first five minutes of his return, he was booked against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 32 in Hell in a Cell, with control of Monday Night Raw up for grabs.


So this is the part where I overreact and claim the move is nonsense, that this company has no idea what its doing and that its grasping at straws for WrestleMania matches. What else am I supposed to say after all that?

What's left to say?

This is a company with a depleted main event roster, a company that has seen John Cena, Sting, Seth Rollins, Cesaro and Randy Orton all shelved with injuries. No one has been booked to take their spots and no one has been used more than before in order to fill the gaps.

WWE continued on with what it had with no concern about WrestleMania. The existing talent was left right where they were and now we're left with Shane versus Taker on April 3.

WWE thrives on the storyline heels in the McMahon family. It's their company so it's their call, which means they have always dominated at the top. Countless matches have not been wrestled in the time this family has taken to cut promos and run silly spots over the years.

Countless matches have also not been wrestled so the McMahons themselves could wrestle.

So now once again we have a McMahon in the ring while the rest of us sit back and wonder why. The best part about this of course is that Shane may not be the only one in the family headed for a WrestleMania match.

Imagine if Stephanie faces Ronda Rousey at Mania, Triple H faces Roman Reigns, and Shane McMahon faces The Undertaker. Bray Wyatt still needs an opponent, think Vince is interested?

None of this is on Shane. Everyone likes Shane, they really always have. None of it is on The Undertaker, either. Taker's a pro, he knows that Mania is the biggest event of the year and he knows that it needs to be successful.

This is on WWE Creative, or lack thereof. This is on every one of those writers that have sat down over the past few months and brainstormed WrestleMania 32.

This is the part where I calm down and begin to understand.

WWE likes to shake things up, it's what they do. The company needed to do something radically different in order to sell WrestleMania and that includes selling The Undertaker's match. This is different, this is unique and when you really think about it, the whole thing is utterly predictable.

It makes no sense yet it makes perfect sense, all at the same time.

There are not as many options available as we want to believe. WWE has to keep going and that means crazy moves will suddenly be made that make no sense to any of us. It's a company that truly believes it's fully capable of making us love what it produces and it will always believe that.

Vince doesn't really give fans what they want; he gives them what he believes they should have and that's not changing any time soon.

So buckle up and enjoy the WrestleMania ride folks because it's just beginning. So is the nonsense. But at least we're used to it.

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