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Bayley Takes Over NXT

For anyone that has not paid attention to the women's division down in NXT, Bayley's name may not be instantly recognizable. While Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch have made their presence known on WWE's main roster, Bayley continued to fly the flag of the company's developmental territory.

The NXT trio has impressed fans on every level, as each week they bring all the intensity and passion to their matches as any man would. Raw and SmackDown have simply not been the same since they came onboard and as long as they're in the mix, nothing will ever be the same again. Indeed, they have had the much deserved spotlight.

But all that will change now as Bayley is no longer flying under the radar.

The fourth Horsewoman may have stayed behind in NXT but she has now come to the forefront after beating Sasha at NXTTakeover in Brooklyn on August 22. She proved in one match that she is just as good, just as energetic and just as exciting as any woman on the WWE roster.

Charlotte is the Alpha of the group, the complete package and likely the marquee star of the future for WWE. Sasha is the cocky and supremely confident one, with the perfect mix of skill and swagger. Becky is the wildcard, the rebel, the girl going in head-first despite the odds against her.

But Bayley is the underdog, the kind soul that makes no excuses and wants no help; she wants to work her way up. While the world fights to keep her down, Bayley just keeps swinging and fighting the good fight until she wills herself to victory.

She is the Daniel Bryan of the group. Not a bad place to be in.

The work she did with Sasha at Takeover was beyond good, it was career defining. When fans look back at the biggest moments of 2015, this will definitely be one of them. Years from now when Bayley looks back at her time as a wrestler, this may very well be the most important night she ever experienced.

This is the stuff legends are made of in the industry, the kind of night that solidifies stardom for both participants. Bayley and Sahsa proved what can happen when unselfish drive and ambition prevails, when giving is more important than taking. Neither Bayley or Sasha cared about how good they looked; each one cared more about the other first.

Quite a few of their male counterparts would do well to watch and take notes, they might learn something.

Every time NXT is on the air, the talent steps it up. Every time NXT has a big event, the talent brings more than before. Every time we think the women's division can't get any better, they prove us wrong. This brand is firing on all cylinders and Bayley was a big part of its success.

Now she's a huge part of it. This was her ascension to the top of NXT and it could not have come at a better time. The fourth Horsewoman has arrived. Now you know.

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