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Sting: The Monday Night War's Last Casualty

So it's been a few days since WrestleMania went down and by this time everyone out there has had the opportunity to catch up on reviews, as well as analysis. It's coming in from everywhere; even ESPN is high on the business right now.

And yours truly has done his fair share of writing since Mania took place but I have yet to touch on the subject of Sting versus Triple H. There's a good reason for that. The fact is, I've been trying to process it.

I've been trying to process it in terms of what exactly was accomplished by having Sting do the job to Hunter. What was the reason for bringing in one of the most legendary talents in the history of the industry, the guy that had never set foot in your ring, and jobbing him out on the worldwide stage?


Before you can say it, allow me to. You do it because you're trying to prove a point, that's why. And the point here is the same one that was made back in 2001 when The Rock disrespected Booker T on TV. It's the point that was driven home when Eric Bischoff was "tried" and then fired on Monday Night Raw. And it's the same point that was once again made at WrestleMania 31 when Hunter pinned The Icon.

Vince won and WCW lost. Period.

Really? Are we really still doing this? Is it necessary to keep reminding the world of WWE's dominance, of how no other company could ever compare to them? Is it really still about the death of WCW, even after all this time?

Yes, yes and yes again. Well, it is to Vince McMahon anyway.

It's one of the more surprising turn of events we've seen in quite some time, one that virtually no one expected. Call it nostalgia, call it wishful thinking, but the truth is I really thought Sting was going over in this one. Think about it. One of Sting's major reasons for not coming to WWE in the first place was his fear of being downplayed, of being dissed and basically dismissed in the end.

Yet he came in and here we are. So what changed? What convinced Sting to come on board after all that time? How was it sold to him? Was he told that the nWo would interfere on his behalf even though that was the group his character tried to stop back in WCW?

Was he okay with Triple H shaking his hand afer the match was over and was he warned that later on The Game would come back out and gloat over his win? More importantly, was Sting okay with losing his WrestleMania debut?

And if the answer is yes, yes, yes, then I have to ask why. Why was he okay with all of that? Is this leading somewhere else? Or is it really all about Vince continuing to gloat over his Monday Night War victory?

Maybe it's a good thing Sting is the last holdout from WCW, perhaps now Vince has gotten it all out of his system. Or maybe it will never end and we will just keep getting reminded of how dominant WWE is at every turn. The war is over and it's a shame one guy is still fighting it.

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